Color, Color, Color

More and more we see people color their hair in hues of pinks, purples, and blues, and grays. But with great colors come great responsibility. The key to having healthy colored hair is to keep strands moisturized.


Dasch Polanco of Orange Is The New Black
Dasch Polanco of Orange Is The New Black

Artificial dyes and chemicals can wreak havoc on hair causing hair to become brittle which can lead to breakage. RESH provides moisturizer, Amoure to moisturize and protect strands from adverse side effects of hair dyes.

Quench (v): To become calm.


Quench conditioner, crafted by RESH owners, is the perfect blend of conditioning essential oils easily penetrates hair shafts to moisturize and strengthen your hair.

Conditioning is a vital part of keeping hair strong and tangle free.